Statistics, Survey Sampling and Operations Research
Analytical methods such as those employed in
statistics and operations research can be used to address business
problems, evaluate processes, and methods, and develop new products. Both the disciplines of statistics
and OR provide a scientific approach to investigation and decision
making. Statistics can describe
existing situations and events while operations research can describe via
models and simulations what may occur, how best to operate a system, and
under conditions requiring the allocation of scare resources.
Our operations research analysts
and statisticians assist clients first, in formulating problems in terms
indicating whether and how quantitative information might be useful,
second, in identifying data, tools or investigations with which to describe
the problem, and third, in evaluating the information.
We have experience in survey
sampling, sampling of administrative records, design of clinical trials,
and the modelling of systems in industry sectors including oil and gas,
transportation, shipping, health, food safety, public utilities, IT, and telecom.
" ... the test of talent in management is ability to perceive and to
formulate questions
that if answered would help to find out what is wrong or would improve the
business ... " (W. Edwards Deming).